Thank you for supporting the work of this ministry.
I know that some of you give when you are at church. Thank you so much for that. And many others watch online either joining with us at the live broadcast or later through the message archives. Please do continue to give to the church, even if you are unable to attend in person. Many other churches put more effort into making money than they do teaching the Bible. They hold fundraisers, publish books, or outright pressure and guilt people into giving. You all know that we have never passed a plate nor do I talk about giving to the church, except when it comes up in the text of the Bible. But your generosity and ability to give joyfully is necessary for us to afford rent, utilities, and to be able to broadcast audio and video. I don’t ask you to give sacrificially, unless the LORD moves you to do so … I just ask that you consider giving so that we can continue.
You can always give at church, there are drop boxes near the sanctuary where you can give.
But you can also give without being here at the church. Please pray about giving into this ministry so we can continue to faithfully teach God’s Word as we have always done.
There are several ways to give:
You can give by mail ... either set up automatic contributions through your bank or a bill pay service, or mail it directly here.
Calvary Chapel Birmingham,
1738 Morgan Park Road, Birmingham, AL 35124
Make checks can be made out to Calvary Chapel Birmingham.
Or, much more simply and conveniently, you can give online at the links above.
Online Giving allows you to make a donation to Calvary Chapel Birmingham by credit or debit card or bank draft and set up your easy recurring monthly tithe. It offers a safe, secure and simple method for presenting your regular tithe, a one-time gift, or a special offering. If making a special offering, please indicate what the special offering is for.
Your Online Giving donations are tax deductible and will be included on your yearly contribution statement. You will also receive an email receipt indicating the total amount given.