Luke 4 part 1 this Sunday @ 10AM
Wednesday Connect starts back February 19 at 6:00 PM
Communion First Sunday of Every Month
Calvary Chapel Birmingham is affiliated with the Calvary Chapel stream of churches which were started by Pastor Chuck Smith out of the Jesus movement of the 70's. Calvary Chapel set themselves apart for being devoted to verse by verse teaching of the Bible, discipleship, and reaching the world with the love of Christ. There are Calvary Chapels all over the world now, and each has it's own flavor, yet we all agree on core distinctives such as the centrality of Jesus Christ, the supremacy of love, allowing God to build the church rather than man, being empowered by the Holy Spirit, and our absolute dependance on grace.
Times & Location
Youth / Teens
All children are welcomed in the Sanctuary during our services.
If needed, we have class rooms with puzzles, toys, and books for kids as well as televisions for adults to continue to watch service while the children are able to play, color, and do crafts.
Nursing mothers are welcome in the sanctuary, however, we also have a nursing mothers room with a window into the sanctuary and speakers so the service can be heard should more privacy be desired.
For High School age kids we have our Equipping Servant Leaders group which meets during service every second Sunday.
ALL of our services are broadcast LIVE online in both video and audio formats. You can watch here on this website by clicking "Live Streaming" in the menu to the right of this screen. There you will also find links to archives of services as well as our YouTube, Apple TV, and Roku channels. All broadcasts are also converted to podcasts and are available for subscription from your favorite pod catcher.
We believe that any person who believes in Jesus for eternal life as a free gift apart from works is born-again and a member of God’s family with all the rights and privileges of a son or daughter of the Creator. We believe this includes the opportunity to share in the Lord’s Supper. Therefore our communion time is open to any and all who have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior.
We partake in Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
Agape Feast
On the second Sunday of each month, following morning service, we continue our fellowship with a shared meal, which we refer to as an Agape Feast. Everyone who is able to do so brings a dish or dessert to share with the church. Normally we have this meal together in the sanctuary, but sometimes we locate to a nearby park.
Everyone is welcome to join in.